To be clear, CPR is unlikely to restart
To be clear, CPR is unlikely to restart the heart. It is
performed to restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart.
It is a stop-gap measure to delay tissue death as much as possible so there is
no permanent brain damage before professional medical help arrives.
A person’s brain will cease to function 4 to 6
minutes after the heart stops beating. CPR is invaluable as it keeps oxygenated
blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs. Everyday Health reports that
the chances of survival double if CPR is given within the first two
minutes of cardiac arrest.
This goes to show how time is of the essence
when it comes to performing CPR. With each minute that the victim does not get
CPR their condition worsens dramatically. Permanent brain damage will occur within 4
minutes without oxygen, followed by death 4 to 6 minutes later. Remember, the
goal with CPR is not to bring back the victim to 100% health.
It is simply the best option available in the
absence of medical professionals. Even if you haven’t received CPR training you
should do something in such a situation. Don’t hesitate to take the decision – a
person’s life is on the line.
A study conducted in 1999 by JAMA reports that a person
suffering from ventricular fibrillation (no heartbeat due to heart
complications) has more chances of recovery if CPR is immediately administered.
Those who are not trained in CPR should limit the procedure to
chest compressions only, no mouth-to-mouth. Instructions for performing this
type of CPR are readily available and it’s a relatively uncomplicated
procedure. It is recommended to perform about 100 compressions a minute for
this to be effective. This is a taxing procedure to do for sure, so be sure to
ask someone to take over if you need a small break.
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